JOB ID : WSRS2407092

Job Category : 608 Other position in factory
Position : Asst. Leader (VNC & LNC Turning Machine ) Urgent 2 persons
Job Description : operator management
Salary Range : Not Over 15,000
Nationality : Japanese   Thai
Age : 22~26 years
Gender : Male Female
Length of working experience : year(s) up
Education Level : Master Up Bachelor Diploma
Language Skills :
English Japanese Thai
Excellent Excellent Excellent
Good Good Good
Average Average Average
Computer Skill :
Windows MS Word
Outlook Express Internet Explorer
Excel Access
Power Point   Other  
Working Location : ,Si Racha
Main Product / Service,
(Other product/Service) :
Iron, Metal Goods
Saturday Working : sometime    2 time (s) /month

Interested person should be contact us Wide Spread Intertrade Recruitment Co., Ltd.
92/51 Sathorn Thani Building 2, UnitB, 18th Fl., North Sathorn Rd., Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
Tel: +66 2234 1766   E-mail :

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