Career Advice

You must consider carefully right at start when you choose your desired job. Otherwise, lack of consideration might lead you to an unexpected career that you never wish to be involved.

1: Reliability of the company.
Reliability of the company is the main consideration that we have to regard when applying for a new job. But how would we know whether the company is actually reliable? Checking the annual report is one of the ways to discover the reliability of the company such company's profit, capital and cash flow can determine reliability of the company. For small enterprises, we have to consider deeper into additional aspects.

2: Welfare & Salary
Many companies pays only monthly salary, some also include extra overtime working fee, and some provides good welfare but instead pay salary low. All new candidates must understand the deals offered by company and compare them one by one before applying.

3: Working Environment
Working environment is one of the aspects that every candidate should consider when applying for a new job. Try to observe the place and see the overall surrounding of the company. Remind yourself that environment could have a huge impact on one's mental condition. Bad work environment reduce effectiveness of work performance.

4: Understand the Company's Business
New candidate should clearly understand company's business. Discover what kind of business they are dealing. Then make sure that you able to deal with its business type before you make final decision to tolerate yourself in to the company. Otherwise, you probably won't be satisfied when it comes to working time.

5: Progress and development
Every individual must think about their success in career that they are stepping in, and of course to be success you must have progress in work for developing yourself. Never just join a company without considering above aspect. If the organization does not support your career development then there's nothing much you can do to upgrade your career life.